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A weekend away following separation, divorce or death of your spouse or partner, to help you move from the darkness of grief into the light of a new beginning.
The Beginning Experience® Weekend is presented by team members who have all suffered the loss of a loved one themselves, and are willing to share their experience to help others.
Team members lead participants through a program of presentations, personal private reflection and small group sharing. A sense of community develops in an atmosphere of care and concern that is a hallmark of each Beginning Experience® Weekend.
The residential Weekend is run twice per year usually in Spring and Autumn. The Spring Weekend is in April and the Autumn Weekend is in October.
Although located in the South East of England, participants from all over the UK are welcome.
Email or
Ring us on 07730 884315 for further details.
Following the Residential Weekend there is Continued Beginnings to help participants in their journey, and continue the support offered on the weekend experience.
"I was nervous about going to the Beginning Experience, but I'm glad I did. I feel more alive than I have in years."
" I found people all around who accepted me without judgement and cared for me."
"It was a time for just me, to explore where I've been in my life and where I'm going."
"I have so much more energy now for my children and my job. "
The Sion Community, Brentwood, Essex
The cost of this Residential Weekend is to be confirmed with the South of England team
The Sion Community, Brentwood, Essex
The Sion Community, Brentwood, Essex
The cost of this Residential Weekend is to be confirmed with the South of England team
The Sion Community, Brentwood, Essex
If you are interested, or have any questions please get in touch with our team.
We will check whether the Beginning Experience® weekend is right for you.
We will provide you with the details of the price and payment options and the deposit
amount required to secure your booking.
Please complete the above enquiry form.
Thank you, the South of England Beginning Experience® team.
email: phone: 07730 884315
Copyright © 2020 Beginning Experience® Great Britain and Ireland
All Rights Reserved.